Jun 13, 17 · Here are some Letting Go Quotes to remind you of how you can do it now 1 Be fearless There are only two real fears you are born with and they are loud noises and falling, any other fear is made up by you Let go of your fears Have the courage to take risksOct 15, · To let go means to let be When we let be with compassion, things come and go on their own" Jack Kornfield 12 "Letting go isn't a onetime thing, it's something you have to do every day, over and over again" Dawson's Creek 13 "Time doesn't heal emotional pain, you need to learn how to let go" Roy T BennettHelpful Not Helpful When you are in troubled and worried and sick at heart And your plans are upset and your world falls apart, Remember God's ready and waiting to share The burden you find much to heavy to bear So with faith, "Let Go and Let GOD" lead your way Into a brighter and less troubled day Votes 2 Helen Steiner Rice 10 Never Let Me Go Love Quotes Lo...